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The Ethics Of Ethics: Meta Ethics

The journey of a living organism is not one story written straight out by any bard. It has evolved in variety, branched out into various non congruous forms (except by DNA ancestry). Among the motley, we humans stand with a faculty of reasoning (at least how we know it today in this spacetime).

The mind has diverse thoughts, a capacity of 256 exabytes (1 EB = 10^18 bytes) and there are infinite minds, still a smaller subset than what would be, had all the sperms met each designated egg. We are one of the parcels of this community that is an infinite subset of a bigger more magnificent infinite set. Infinity is either a realm or a process, though these could be a fallacious argument in front of what really 'Infinity' means.

Ethics is a concept that has originated because of human sentiments, which only we humans are privy to. Nature knows no sentiments, thereby no leaning towards the good or avoiding the bad. Nature is both beautiful and gruesome at the same time. In fact, human beings in their honesty must also be both the above facets. The righteousness of ethical thought and order is what is bestowed upon us by the laws of the land and our Constitution. The question is whether ethics likes to be driven in a certain way? (Here, I am talking specifically about the way that we are bound with ethics today).

If you haven't already - I would request you to force yourself to come out of the concepts of righteousness and the good, for this article at least. Forget about these hard boiled things in our minds and stand aside from the goodness or badness of it all. Are you sure that an ethical thought, as we like it today, pleases the morality and sense of ethics that nature has in mind? Are you sure that the sense of morality that we look up to is the only one that nature has in its depository of concepts?

Questions like these have troubled me for many years. It is not that I am suffocated by the goodness ritual that we follow, almost always - but not always, it is the suffocation of being hopeless about ever having to experience natures magnanimity in its total. There is always the fright of disorder in our world when we open it up of the current ethical boundaries. Can this mean that this disorder is what humanity is actually about? The disorder and complete chaos that would follow is unimaginable but then will we not become stronger and more experienced of the real, true nature of what each of us really really stand for? The chaos of all wile and more beautiful things, ideas and events that will follow.

Scary, isn't it, apparently this is what we actually stand for - We originally are scary, really gruesome wise scary. Are you scared of Anarchy or yourself? Are you weak to the infinitesimal experience that life stands for or weak to survive? These are the questions that trouble me - day in, day out. I do not see the chaos as going anywhere to being a hunter gatherer society, I see it like a more matured and straightforward way of life - that nature might really have encapsulated in its depository, in this and the like spacetimes.

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